DAI-bulletin 2005-2006 number six March 2006
This is the sixth issue of the monthly DAI-bulletin in the academic year 2005-2006, informing you about our program, about important dates and events
Students: please, PRINT THIS TEXT and keep it with you as an extension to your diary.
Alterations and additions to the program will be e-mailed to you.
News on alumni and/ or current students and/or lecturers( you are all are most welcome to send in your announcements).
- Till April 9 – Nagroen is an exhibition of alumnus Sara Pessoa to be seen in Galerie De Zwarte Panter in Antwerpen. www.artsite.be/zwartepanter
- DAI-alumnus Shih-Ying Lin, DAI-alumnus Teresa Borasino and DAI-alumnus Bassam Alkhourri will all 3 present videoworks at the 13th edition of the Festival International d’Art Vidéo de Casablanca in Morroco from 20 - 25 March 2006.
- LINK, zeitgenossische Kunst und Fotografie shows works by current DAI-student Kristiina Koskentola.
The exhibition is entitled Some Body and is to be seen from March 20 till april 30 in the Lindenstrasse 97a in Düsseldorf. Phone: 0211-4209615.
10.30 AM.
Guestlecturer Christiaan Bastiaans gives a presentation on his work in the projectroom.
-after the presentation: studiovisits according to schedule.
Christian Bastiaans studied at the Amsterdam Gerrit Rietveld Academy from 1971-1976, the Kyoto University of Art from 1976-1978 and at New York’s Pratt Graphic Centre in 1982.
He began working with video in the mid-seventies, since then creating highly interdisciplinary installations that combine video with sculpture and photography and are influenced by film and literature.
Travel is a major theme in Bastiaans’s life and work, as is a fascination with Asian culture and philosophy, especially the Japanese. In this context, the exploration of his own Indonesian descent plays an important role. Our relation to nature, the role of the artist with regard to the audience and the way in which the concept of ‘elsewhere’ contributes to the definition of mainstream Western identity are recurring themes in his art.
His recent projects employ a documentary approach to examine the experiences of marginalized groups in less developed countries, looking at how personal identity is developed in the context of clashes between traditional cultures and economic and cultural globalisation.
Studiovisits by Alite Thijsen, projectmanager of Here as the centre of the world an upcoming DAI project in association with Beirut, Damascus, Diyarbakir, Khartoum and Taipei.
Today and next week Alite Thijsen will visit all DAI students in their studio’s.
More information on Alite Thijsen >>>.
12.00 Toolkit
an ongoing DAI-project run by Debra Solomon.
More >>>
Studiovisits according to schedule - John Heymans, Rik Fernhout, Debra Solomon and Alite Thijsen.
17.00 PM in the project room:
A plenary meeting in which Alite Thijsen will instruct the DAI-students to start a research on the history and actuality of the cities Beirut, Damascus, Diyarbakir, Enschede, Khartum and Taipei in which the venues of the project partners of Here as the centre of the world are located.
The students research will be presented during a DAI-seminar on April 20 and 21.
More information on the intercultural and transnational project Here as the centre of the world will soon be released on our website.
Also: Current DAI-student Ruth Linneman gives a presentation on her project in Burkino Faso.
FRIDAY March 10
Studiovisits by Alite Thijsen.
A research and practice project on the characteristics of various platforms for art by Rik Fernhout.
Debra Solomon will attend the international symposium If I Can’t Dance, I Don’t Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution with a group of DAI students. This day is a great opportunity to get updated on recent discussions on the visual arts field. With keynote speakers on the relationship between feminist theory and performance. Amongst them the Otolith Group with Kodwo Eshun and Anjali Sagar ( DAI-lecturers in 2004).
Huis a/d Werf, Utrecht
At 10.00 A.M.
All practical information will be provided by Debra Solomon, so please contact her if you want to join.
- As far as the ongoing DAI project Hole in the Brain is concerned: projectleaders Florian Göttke & Rebecca Sakoun would like to meet with students on SATURDAY 11 MARCH or MONDAY 13 MARCH in Amsterdam to see the development of your plans + ideas and to see your first sketches.
More info on Hole in the Brain >>>.
Studiovisits - Lisette Smits, Rik Fernhout.
Studiovisits - John Heymans, Lisette Smits and Rik Fernhout.
an ongoing DAI-project run by Debra Solomon.
More >>>
20 PM in the projectroom:
Lecture by Nat Muller.
Nat Muller (NL) is a free-lance writer, curator, critic, organiser and food performance artist. She holds a BA in English Literature from Tel-Aviv University (IL), an MA in Queer and Gender Theory from Sussex University (UK), and has recently completed a two-year research term at the Theory Department of the Jan van Eyck Academy in Maastricht (NL), where she focused on the creation of new public context for technological art.
Nat has published articles in off- and online media,and has given presentations on the subject of media technology and art (inter)nationally.
Her main interests include: human computer interaction; food and social communication; technology and intimacy, strategies for trans-disciplinary collaborations, the intersections of aesthetics, technology and politics; (new) media and art in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Nat is primarily interested in viewing social and political processes through a cultural/artistic lens. Her most recent projects include The Trans_European Picnic: The Art and Media of Accession in collaboration with V2 and kuda.org, and the curatorial research project Xeno_Tech in collaboration with Deanna Herst. Nat is part of the curatorial team for DEAF04.
Studiovisits John Heymans, Rik Fernhout, Debra Solomon, Nat Muller and Joke Robaard according to schedule.
Joke Robaard will visit the seven graduation candidates in their DAI studios together with the 7 master students for the Werkplaats Typografie who will advise them on content & design of 7 individual artists publications.
Joke Robaard will act as a mediator.
The Dutch artist and photographer Joke Robaard originally trained in fashion, investigates the configuration of groups of people, for example in networks of friends, colleagues, companies and neighbours. She ‘directs’ individuals in certain positions and patterns in relation to one another, which are then photographed, and uses clothing to illustrate where the connections lie and how they are constantly shifting.
Her work is based on a huge collection of images and texts relating to people’s clothing behaviour patterns. Robaard does not categorise them as 'fashion', but wants to find out how clothing works. Her archive can be seen as a cartographic record of everyday clothing. Robaard moves simultaneously through the various zones of visual art, photography, video and fashion.
Moving through art, photography, video and fashion her beautifully designed book Folders, Suits, Pockets, Files, Stock includes texts by Gilles Deleuze, Roland Barthes, Robert Bresson, Jorinde Seijdel and the artist herself.
FRIDAY March 24
A research and practice project on the characteristics of various platforms for art by Rik Fernhout.
Studiovisits John Heymans and Arjen Mulder (to be confirmed).
FRIDAY March 31
Together with a small group of DAI students Gabriëlle Schleijpen will attend the international symposium The Pensive Image, organized by the Theory Department at the Jan van Eyck Academy in Maastricht.
Please contact Gabriëlle.
More >>>
Coming up in April: - Symposium Hole in the Brain on April 21 at the University of Twente.
- Seminar Here as the centre of the world at the DAI on April 20 & 21.
- DAI project Writing Space 2 run by Ansuya Blom, open to a maximum of 6 students.
- Deadline for Open Counterpart, a publication by a group of DAI-students, initiated and edited John Heymans and in collaboration with the Werkplaats Typografie and the magazine Open.