Another Work of Astonishing Economy & Monumentality

In describing a common water fountain while giving a museum tour at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Andrea Fraser proclaims the fountain as "a work of astonishing economy and monumentality". Drawing its title from this famous moment, `Another Work of Astonishing Economy & Monumentality´ is a lecture-performance tour by Maja Bekan and DAI alumnus Rana Hamadeh, that reflects on the status, value, identity and framing conditions of (art) objects. Through shifting back and forth between the museum context and that of an antique shop, and between the art object, the historical document, and the second hand 'worthless' object, the performance will try to think through the conventions of spectatorship, art production, and their institutional framings.

The talk will focus on objects' relations to the collections they are part of, through conducting a closer reading of a 1966 issue of the graphic design magazine GRAPHIS Nº 127 by Rana Hamadeh. This event is product of collaboration between ongoing projects by the two artists: GRAPHIS Nº 127 and P for Performance.

Date and time: 26/03/2011, 15:00

For more information please visit the website of the Van Abbemuseum:

Rana Hamadeh: