the jungle is a skyscraper

The performance the jungle is a skyscraper by Stefanie Seibold and DAI alumnus Teresa Maria Diaz Nerio, revolves around the costume politics of Sun Ra and the Arkestra.

Sun Ra (1914 - 1993) was an African-American jazz composer, musician, poet, philosopher and leader of the Arkestra, and a pioneer of Afrofuturism whose unconventional lifestyle and eclectic music brought him both fame and notoriety. The political motive behind his and the Arkestra´s musical performance concept was to literally incorporate the alienation to which they were subjected as a result of their blackness and project themselves into a beyond, that is, into outer space. In this performance concepts like consonance and dissonance, the known and the unknown are consequently renegotiated within the objects and unfoldings of the mis-en-scène, to be newly combined, presenting surfaces, textures and materials as the locus of the political.

the jungle is a skyscraper is performed in the context of Textiles Art and the Social Fabric an exhibition curated by Grant Wantson.

In coproduction with If I Cant Dance I Dont Want to Be Part Of Your Revolution, Amsterdam MuHKA, Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst Antwerpen, Leuvenstraat 32, 2000 Antwerpen, België,