Manifesta Journal #16 / New Blog Residency by Doreen Mende (project curator and core tutor at the DAI) / The itinerant: when exhibiting turns its back against itself

Manifesta Journal Online Residencies

Every two months, a curator or writer is invited to share his or her in-progress research in the form of a blog: reflections on, assessments of, and reactions to a specific subject. The online residency is an extension of how the editorial team wishes to reflect upon current practices of reading, researching, publishing and curating that have been enabled by the internet and its social technologies, all the while exploring new formats and advocating the open circulation of knowledge.

" This month we welcome a new MJ resident blogger: Doreen Mende. Doreen Mende is a curator who works internationally, and teaches at the Dutch Art Institute. Her practice entails artistic thinking, theoretical reflection and spatial concerns. Over the next two months Doreen Mende will share her blog entitled; 'The Itinerant: When exhibiting turns its back against itself'."