Academiegalerie HKU / Free Enterprise / exhibition with Falke Pisano, Yoeri Guepin (DAI, 2013), Ola Vasiljeva, Hidenori Mitsue (DAI, 2009), Informal Strategies (Geert van Mil & Doris Denekamp (DAI, 2011)) a.o.

| tag: Utrecht

Free Enterprise is an exhibition organized on the occasion of a publication made by the HKU.

The publication follows eleven alumni students from the Fine Art department, focusing on the development of their practice after their graduation. How do they look back at their education and how did they experience the route they took afterwards? Remarkable alumni who graduated in the last 15 years have been chosen to participate. Thereby, more experienced professionals as well as recent graduates are included in the show. The selection is made on the basis of alumni that have developed a particular art practice and range from fifteen years till recent graduates. The eleven alumni represent in a diverse way the characteristics of the Fine Art department.

Eveline Braak
Mitchel Breed
Dimitar Genchev
Yoeri Guepin
Informal Strategies
Milou van der Maaden
Hidenori Mitsue
Falke Pisano
Ola Vasiljeva
Jop Vissers

The exhibition opening and book launch will be at the 7th. of June at 17:00 in the Academiegalerie in Utrecht. The publication contains interviews with the alumni and Marjolein Sponselee and textual contributions by Dominic van den Boogerd, Lex ter Braak, Ellen de Bruijne, Wim van Krimpen and Jaap Sleper. The design is by Kummer & Herrman.