2011-2012 Presenting Performance, Performing Presentation
A six part workshop on performance art and lecture performance with David Weber-Krebs and Jan-Philipp Possmann.
This workshop is aimed at artists interested in developing or sharpening their own artistic language in the live mediums performance art and lecture performance. Together we will discuss and experiment on basic parameters of the performative situation and assist each other in developing performances. An interest but not necessarily an experience in performance art or lecture performance is required of all participants.
Since 2004 Weber-Krebs and Possmann have been working together as dramaturg and director/performer in developing live art works for theaters and galery spaces. From 2008 on they have engaged as artistic researchers in a research project on aesthetics of reception at the University of the Arts in Amsterdam. In their joint work they have been investigating and reflecting the basic conditions of live art – the space, the human presence, the assembly, the collectively spent time. The works that have developed out of this are playing with the very essential elements of an aesthetic situation and try to manipulate and make apparent the modes of encounter between audience, space, text and performer.
As artistic researchers they have been investigating aesthetic experiences and developing strategies to communicate their experiences in the format of lecture performances or installations. Part of this work has been an intense correspondence, which is documented on their Internet platform. Through these activities they aim to not only communicate experiences but to create new deep spaces of encounter and reflexivity for others.
Bio’s of David and Jan Philipp to be found here.