2011-2012 Situating Artistic Practice Today - a seminar on where we are and how we got there

Framework by the VanAbbemuseum.

Curated & tutored: Steven ten Thije and Ahmet Öğüt

Guests: IRWIN, Mariëtte Dölle, Charles Esche, Brian Holmes.



tags: Arnhem, Eindhoven, Istanbul

This year the Van Abbemuseum offers a seminar to the first year DAI students, that addresses the current position of art in society. Through a series of ‘experiments’ and readings, the students are invited to develop an expanded understanding of their own practice in relation to a historical and contemporary background of art production and presentation. Special attention thereby will be given to the historical institutionalization of art in modern times in museums, galleries and a professional art history, next to a tour d’horizon of contemporary practice. A returning issue will be the effect of post-1989 globalisation on the position of art. Situating Artistic Practice brings the students to several assignments. Throughout the year they will think through artistic practice on three levels: material, institution, society.

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