Aaron Schuster

Aaron Schuster is a philosopher and writer, based in Amsterdam. He has written on such top­ics as the phi­los­o­phy of tick­ling, the his­tory of lev­i­ta­tion, the comedy of Lu­bitsch, the theater of Genet, Kafka's philosopher dog, anti-sex­u­al­ity, and com­plain­ing, and has col­lab­o­rated as a writer and dramaturge with artists on a num­ber of pro­jects. He was a fellow at the Institute for Cultural Inquiry ICI Berlin, and the Center for Advanced Studies, Rijeka, Croatia, and a visiting professor at the University of Chicago. His book, The Trou­ble with Plea­sure: Deleuze and Psy­cho­analy­sis, was published by MIT Press in 2016.