Florian Cramer, Sven Lütticken, Steven ten Thije, Foundland, Brian Holmes, Florian Göttke, Geert Lovink, Renée Ridgway (all tutors or recent guest tutors at the DAI) & more uncompromising contributors in:


is the online continuation of Open. Cahier on Art & the Public Domain.

Online now

Contributions by Florian Cramer, Sven Lütticken, Zihni Özdil, Pascal Gielen, Steven ten Thije, Foundland. Essays by Mark Fisher, Jan Masschelein/Maarten Simons about the arts and humanities under pressure. An essay by Pascal Gielen on 'autonomy via heteronomy'. A book review about Gerald Raunig's Factories of Knowledge. Industries of Creativity.

Just published

Columns by Brian Holmes, Chantal Mouffe, Stephen Duncombe/Steve Lambert and Matteo Pasquinelli.

Soon to be published

A contribution by Florian Göttke about the media image of a protester in Homs, Syria. An essay by Marco Scotini about the Autonomy movement in Italy, the filmmaker Alberto Grifi and the 'disobedient image'. Columns by Joost de Bloois, Gerald Raunig/Christoph Brunner, Felix Stalder, Geert Lovink, Renée Ridgway, Eric Kluitenberg and others.
