2024 - 2025 Factory STUDENT LED: Forget-me-nots of history
JANUARY 13, 2025
Led by Eglė A. Benkunskytė & Magdalena Beliavska
When: 20:30 - 22:30
Location: Conference Room
History is old, vast, and intertangled. Thus remembering becomes an important and powerful tool. This leads us to January 13th—a special day in Lithuanian history—the Day of the Defenders of Freedom.
Coming back to the Curonian Spit, which once was at the outer border of the Soviet Union, and dealing with the vulnerability of proximity to yet another complex border 3 kilometers away from our base in Nida, we would like to share the importance of this day with the DAI community. We will look at the archival footage from the events that happened right after the fall of the ‘Iron Curtain’ in 1991, and discuss what it means to live in an independent country, how to deal with generational trauma, and why more than thirty years later we still have the need to talk about it.