2024 - 2025 Factory STUDENT LED: MYTHTOCHONDRIA WORKSHOP - Knitting a safe space and a horror story
NOVEMBER 2, 2024
Led by Öykü Özgencil
When: 20:30 - 22:00
Location: Music Room
Derived from the Greek words μίτος (mitos) meaning thread and χονδρίον (khondrion) meaning granule, “mitochondria” serves as a fitting metaphor for bearing witness to the permeability of personal and societal narratives as well as weaving a living and breathing research area into how the myriad examples of oral literature that inform meta narratives delve into personal relations, stories and identities. The mitochondria first and foremost seeks to form connections between such notions as flexibility, transformation and nomadism; it then seeks a common ground in order to connect to one another, and many others that are present in all of us.
Mythocondrial invites participants to collectively weave a blanket by embarking on a journey of self-discovery.We will recount childhood tales, legends and dreams through free association, and create a horror story collectively.