War Ukraine

We aim to give people forced to leave Ukraine more time, plus tailormade advice & support.
Please make sure to carefully read all information about Study within Dutch system and about Finance.
We vow to support eligible candidates in all possible ways, within our capacities.
If you think there is a strong connection between your praxis and our program, we welcome you to contact us AS SOON AS MANAGEABLE under the horrific conditions. Please write directly to dutchartinstitute@artez.nl ~ we will take it from there. 
We have received many requests for information and are sending personal answers to everybody - this may take some time, so please bear with us. 
Both in the past as well as now and in the future, we, as the “humans of the institution”, are dedicated to give practical support to eligible candidates from all countries in conflict – within our capacities.
We are not in a position of power at the university level, so unfortunately we cannot change the financial rules of the overriding institution, nor the regulations of the Dutch government – but we can commit to researching and hopefully finding creative ways of making the impossible a bit more possible. Nothing more nothing less.
In case you need to come to the Netherlands right away (without waiting for a placement in our or in any other program), we advise you to read the most recent Ukraine specific information from the Dutch Immigration Service (IND). 