Please come back regularly to this page - it will be updated whenever relevant

So many people are struggling for survival both literally as well as economically, as the world's flagrant injustices and inequalities are being enlarged and becoming ever more visible due to the pandemic: the pain caused by the Covid-19 crisis is not at all distributed evenly and we are very aware that this also applies to our student body. 

Among the DAI crew we have formed a Care Team: its task it is to look into urgent problems and difficulties, caused by or amplified by the Covid-19 crisis:

Jacq van der Spek

Rik Fernhout

Margret Wibmer 

Krista Jantowski (in regard to our living room at WALTER and our bed room at the DREAM in Arnhem).

In case you are struggling with one or more of the issues listed below the DAI's Care Team is available to look at your personal situation together with you.

- loneliness, feeling alienated due to Covid-19 

- home sickness, concerns about your loved ones far away

- housing issues

- questions around (mental)health and health insurance

- financial problems

- needing assistance/mediation while dealing with formalities directed by ArtEZ University of the Arts  (student affairs, tuition fees)