Recent film Zauberberg directed by Pilar Mata Dupont (DAI,2016) nominated for two West Australian Screen Awards & recent article and portfolio published in the 4th issue of Even Magazine

| tag: Perth

Hello all!

I am excited to announce some recent news:

Check out images below of the recent article and portfolio in the 4th issue of Even Magazine, a US based magazine edited by Jason Farago, art critic for the US Guardian. You can find more information and stockists at
Thank you to all my marvellous collaborators on Purgatorio, Mountain, and Zauberberg for making me look so good!

Also - my recent film, Zauberberg (, has recently been nominated for two West Australian Screen Awards: Alex Malone for Best Actress, and Bryan Woltjen for Best Production Design for a Short Form Film. Winners annouced 4th July, 2016.
Fingers crossed and congratulations to Alex and Bryan, and the rest of the incredible team I had on the project.

Pilar Mata Dupont