Tuesday February 24 at 20:00 ~ When Do Words Matter ? ~ a lecture by Tom van Imschoot followed by discussion

tag: Arnhem

 Image credit: Peter Morrens, Duras, Graphite and charcoal on paper, A3, 2014 

When do words matter?

Even since early modernity (e.g. Vasari), there have been artists in all kinds of artistic disciplines to whom writing and speaking critically on art and other artists has been mostly productive for the innovation and reinvention of their own artistic practice, even up to the extent that one could easily speak of a continuum of artistic criticality.
Words matter to these artists, their verbal articulations lead to a sharpening of their artistic intuition. Would it be possible and/or desirable to found today's increasing demand 'to write' within art education and research on that very artistic tradition? And if so, what does that take, e.g. in relation to how we understand 'writing' and making a thesis?

After his presentation Tom van Imschoot will engage in a round table conversation with guest auditors Nienke Terpsma and Sarah Charalambides, organizers of the evening Florian Göttke and David Maroto (DAI's Associate PhD Research Collective) and the audience. The central topic will be the relation between art practice, writing, and intuition.

About Tom van Imschoot

About the DAI's Associate PhD Research Collective