Darko Fritz

tag: Zagreb

Darko Fritz is artist and independent curator and researcher. He has curated numerous exhibitions and edited companion exhibition catalogues for print and web publication, including I am Still Alive (early computer-generated art and recent low-tech and internet art), 2000; CLUB.NL - contemporary art and art networks from the Netherlands, 2000; Lights from Zagreb - interactive light installations, 2001; <dis.location> 2003; Variable Amnesia, 2006; Bit International - Computers and Visual Research, New Tendencies, Zagreb 1961-1973, Neue Galerie, 2007 and ZKM, 2008. He has presented research on early digital art at many conferences, including ISEA 2000, Paris, 2000; Stuttgart 1960, Computer in Theorie und Kunst, Stuttgart, 2004, REFRESH!, Banff, 2005 and REPLACE!, Berlin, 2007. As editor for media art at Culturenet, he published "A Brief Overview of Media Art in Croatia (Since the 1960s)" in 2002. He published “Amnesia International - Early computer art and Tendencies movement” at the Bitomatik by kuda.org, Novi Sad in 2004 and “Vladimir Bonacic´” at the Leonardo magazine in 2008.

He is founder and programmer of the grey) (area – space of contemporary and media art since 2006.

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